The Robert Stephenson Trust

The Robert Stephenson Trust was formed in 1988, initially to help save the last substantial part of what had once been a huge spread of industrial buildings in an area called Forth Banks in Newcastle upon Tyne.
The buildings had been occupied until 1904 by 'Robert Stephenson & Co' and thereafter in part by George & Jobling, motor factors, who imported Ford chassis and built bespoke bodies to order. During World War 1 George & Jobling built aircraft there. After the war they continued in the motor trade until the 1970s.
By 2003 the Trust's first aim had been completed successfully. The building at 20 South Street - since named 'Stephenson's Works' -
was repaired and restored; and until February 2009 functioned as the Trust's base. Our priority then became the provision of infirmation about Robert Stephenson's life, his companies and achievements. As one of the very few people from north-east England to be buried in Westminster Abbey, it is only right that he should be as well known today as he was in his lifetime.
The Trust relies mainly on volunteers, and will respond to requests for advice as best it can.
Interested in membership? Click here for more information.
Enquiries or requests for further information can also be made to the Trust by e-mail or letter.
The Purpose of the Trust is:
+ to save from dereliction the last remaining part of an historic industrial complex
developed by Robert Stephenson & Co., which made many of the most important
early locomotives such as Locomotion (Stockton & Darlington Railway, 1825), Rocket (for the 1829 Rainhill Trials to find the best engine for the Liverpool &
Manchester Railway), the Planet class of 1830 and the Patentee of 1833
+ to promote awareness of the achievements of Robert Stephenson, his companies,
partnerships and other interests together with the development of railways,
particularly in the north-east of England
+ to establish a Centre to act as a focal point for a collection of books, documents,
drawings and Stephenson memorabilia, and a research centre into his life and times